So CA's work is very good both artistically and in terms of player comfort. Unit Card/Stats Post (Empire WIP Currently Available) Warhammer. If it is a complex card, too much detail also tires the player. Currently Complete: The Empire (WIP Units Missing, No Lords or Wizards). Because the purpose of unit cards is to create a memorable state in visual memory. It is better if the unit cards are plain. In addition, in the fan concept designs, there is a little fantastic atmosphere and a lot of detail added, but there are unit cards that look similar to each other in the design. The reason CA makes the cards matte is so that when the eyes are exposed to too much gamma light, it does not cause problems and does not tire the eye. Too much light has been used, which makes the eye tired. On the other hand, let's look at the cards whose design is desired.
The Creative Assembly and the Total War logo are trademarks or. What CA has done is more stable in color harmony and has a good grip on the contrast. Total War: Warhammer Total War: Attila Total War Battles: Kingdom.
As a person who has been devoting himself to painting as a hobby for more than 20 years, I am telling you the reasons: But these fan concept unit card designs are not very nice.